Community Events

Submit Your Event

If you have an upcoming event for the LGBTQ+ community, submit it here. All submissions will be reviewed by Seattle’s LGBTQ+ Center to ensure they meet the calendar guidelines below. After your event has been approved, it will appear on our Event Calendar.

Event Calendar Policy Guidelines

The Gay City Community Events Calendar allows government departments, community groups and organizations with a notable presence on social media and/or web site exhibiting LGBTQ+ affirming messaging to submit upcoming events. Published events are open to the public.

Gay City reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of this Community Event Calendar Policy.


Events must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the preferred posting date to allow for review and follow up questions, if necessary.

Event descriptions must include how the event addresses one of the social determinants of health.

Event Restrictions

Events must not contain any of the following content:

  • Profane language or content;
  • Content that perpetuates discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, race, national origin, physical or mental disability, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status;
  • Solicitations of commerce;
  • Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity;
  • Information that could compromise the safety or security of an individual or group; or
  • Violate any copyright
  • Promote violent or unsafe behaviors, including bullying/harassment
  • Promote disinformation
  • Spam or repetitive phrases to fill in the event description
  • No nudity in featured image

Events related to sexual health must be sex and body positive. Any reports of an event shaming community will be removed and denied in the future.

Ongoing Event Length

Ongoing events will be accepted up to a year out from the date of the event’s submission.

Event Location

Events accepted must center the LGBTQ+ community in Washington State.

Event Submitter Information

All event submitters must clearly identify themselves in their event submissions and include contact information: organization name/primary individual and website URL, email address or phone number. Anonymous posting of events shall not be allowed. 


Gay City does not endorse nor verify the information included. If an entry includes a link to a web site that does not end in, Gay City does not control nor review the content or operation of that web site. Gay City guarantees neither the authenticity, accuracy, appropriateness nor security of the link, web site or content linked. Please exercise caution when accessing any unfamiliar web site.

About Event Images

We ask that all submitted images be optimized for the internet:

  • 72 dpi resolution
  • Be 80 kbs or less in size.

If you’re unable to optimize your image, please submit the full-sized image to [email protected].

Promotions, Fundraisers, and the "Shop & Give Back" Category

If you’re holding a fundraiser for the Center, first of all, thank you so much for the support! We feature these fundraisers on the homepage and on our Pride page. When finalized, please feel free to submit all the relevant info about the fundraiser in the form below (which makes it very easy on us), or please feel free to email [email protected].

For the event calendar, please:

  • Be sure to select “Shop & Give Back” as the category
  • For something like a month-long promotion at your business, please use the “start date” and “end date” below for the first and last dates of the promotion, then check “repeating” and “repeats daily”. This will ensure the listing remains visible on the calendar for the full duration of the promotion.
  • If your fundraiser or promotion has more complex dates (e.g. an event series or a promotion recurring on specific days of the week), select “Event Repeating” in the form below and either select “custom dates” from the drop down or any other option that fits. Alternatively, simply submit just one occurrence here and follow it up with an email to [email protected] for assistance getting the correct dates listed.
  • Add in a title for your promotion (could be something fun and creative, or something like “Pride drink promotion at ____”) at the top of the form, details on your promotion in the large text field below that, and fill out any other relevent info fields

For additional promotional support from us for your promotion or fundraiser, or if you run into any issues with the event form, please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected]. Thank you again!

Date and Time


It shows next to event time on the Single Event Page. You can enter notes such as timezone in this field.



Custom Days Repeating

Add certain days to event occurrence dates. If you have a single day event, start and end dates should be the same, If you have a multiple day event, the start and end dates must be commensurate with the initial date. Read More

:label: x
  • First
    • Sun Sun.1-
    • Mon Mon.1-
    • Tue Tue.1-
    • Wed Wed.1-
    • Thu Thu.1-
    • Fri Fri.1-
    • Sat Sat.1-
  • Second
    • Sun Sun.2-
    • Mon Mon.2-
    • Tue Tue.2-
    • Wed Wed.2-
    • Thu Thu.2-
    • Fri Fri.2-
    • Sat Sat.2-
  • Third
    • Sun Sun.3-
    • Mon Mon.3-
    • Tue Tue.3-
    • Wed Wed.3-
    • Thu Thu.3-
    • Fri Fri.3-
    • Sat Sat.3-
  • Fourth
    • Sun Sun.4-
    • Mon Mon.4-
    • Tue Tue.4-
    • Wed Wed.4-
    • Thu Thu.4-
    • Fri Fri.4-
    • Sat Sat.4-
  • Last
    • Sun Sun.l-
    • Mon Mon.l-
    • Tue Tue.l-
    • Wed Wed.l-
    • Thu Thu.l-
    • Fri Fri.l-
    • Sat Sat.l-
Occurrences times

The event will finish after certain repeats. For example if you set it to 10, the event will finish after 10 repeats.Read More

Exceptional Days (Exclude Dates)

Exclude certain days

Exclude certain days from event occurrence dates. Please note that you can exclude only single day occurrences and you cannot exclude one day from multiple day occurrences. Read More

:val: x

Hourly Schedule

Add new days for schedule. For example if your event is multiple days, you can add a different schedule for each day!

New Day

Add new hourly schedule row

Event Main Location


Choose one of saved locations or insert new one below.Read More

eg. City Hall

eg. City hall, Manhattan, New York


If you leave the latitude and longitude empty, Modern Events Calendar tries to convert the location address to geopoint, Latitude and Longitude are the units that represent the coordinates at geographic coordinate system. To make a search, use the name of a place, city, state, or address, or click the location on the map to find lat long coordinates.Get Latitude and Longitude

Remove image

Other Locations

You can select extra locations in addition to main location if you like.

Event Main Organizer


Choose one of saved organizers or insert new one below.Read More

eg. John Smith

eg. +1 (234) 5678


Remove image

Other Organizers

You can select extra organizers in addition to main organizer if you like.

SEO Schema

Following statuses are for informing search engines (Google, bing, etc) about your events so they can manage your events better. Therefore you can use these statuses to be more Search Engine Friendly.

For active events!

If you postponed an event then you can use this status!

If you cancelled an event then you should select this status!

For the events that moved online!

Note to reviewer

Event Cost *

Categories *


question mark

Contact us if you have questions or need assistance at [email protected] or (206) 860-6969 ext. 715.