Please note: This page exists for archival purposes only! This program is not currently active.
The Emerge Arts Cohort and Showcase is a film creation program for BIPOC LGBTQ+ performing artists that offers production support, artistic mentorship, and business and sustainability training. Five artists are selected through an open application process by a curating council of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ established artists in Seattle. Selected artists will receive mentorship and support to create a film translation of their live work, and a platform to share their work in a fully-produced, in-person showcase at Northwest Film Forum.
Each selected artist will be paid a stipend to participate in the program, the goal of which is to holistically aid aspiring artists through educational and financial means, while providing access to tools and resources to help them best succeed.
The inaugural showcase will be on May 27 and 28, 2022 at the NW Film Forum, starting at 7 PM. This film screening is free but requires an RSVP.
ABOUT Emerge

Emerge curatorial council
All received applications will be reviewed by the Emerge Curatorial Council. The Council will also act as mentors to the participating artists, supporting them through a series of artistic workshops designed by and for BIPOC LGBTQ+ artists.
The workshops will address systems that prevent art from being created and accessed socially, economically, and mentally. In addition to this artistic mentorship, artists will receive support navigating barriers to social determinants of health from trained resource specialists.
The Council consists of Fox Whitney, David Rue, Dakota Alcantara-Camacho, dani tirrell, and Saira Barbaric.
What is the stipend for participants?
The stipend is $1,200.
What are the workshop dates and times?
Selected artists must be available for all of the following important dates:
- Saturdays, February 5 – March 5, 12 pm – 2 pm: Art + Sustainability Workshops with Gay City
- March 6 – 13, Times TBD: Film Production at locations of artist’s choice
- May 27 – 28, Times TBD: In-person Performance Showcase Screening at Northwest Film Forum (COVID-dependant)
What will the workshops include?
- 5 hrs of artist-centered workshops with curating council at Gay City
- 5 hrs of workshops focused on healthcare access, education, social cohesion, economic stability, neighborhood + built environment at Gay City
- Support to create a film translation of your live art
- 5-6 hours of shooting time on location including lighting and camera equipment and technical staff
- Training and access to computers and editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro) from March 2022 to May 2022 at Northwest Film Forum
- Training of producing a film
- Individual mentorship and production support from Amy Piñon, Gay City and Velocity’s curating council, and staff members
- One fully produced in-person showcase of your filmed work at Northwest Film Forum (COVID-dependant)
What is the format for the workshops?
Hybrid sessions (digital and in-person), however, programs are all COVID-dependent.
What is the timeline and process for the applications?
Applications will close on November 30, 2021 at 11:59pm. We are not able to accept late applications. All applicants will be notified by December 5, 2021.
If you have questions or would like to speak to someone about your application, please contact Symone Sanz, Velocity’s Emerge Program Coordinator: [email protected]
All received applications will be reviewed through the Emerge Curatorial Council. Panelists will review each application and score proposals using the below criteria, with scores from strongly meets criteria – somewhat meets criteria – does not meet criteria.
The highest scoring applications will be advanced to a discussion stage, where the panel will curate five projects to select for this year’s cohort. The Emerge Curatorial Council may be available to provide feedback on unsuccessful applications upon request.
Will transportation be provided?
Reduced-fee bus passes are available to those eligible. Learn more at
What if I am undocumented/don’t have a social security card? Can I still get paid for the program?
Absolutely! No worries.

If you have questions, we’ll find the answers.
Just want to provide feedback about the program or form? We’ll take those too and incorporate them.