Rational Recovery

http://rational.org/index.php (206) 789-8965 An alternative to traditional 12-Step programs

Needle Exchange Locations

http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/communicable/hiv/resources/needle.aspx King County Public Health List

Narcotics Anonymous

http://www.seattlena.org/ (206) 790-8888 12-Step program for those dealing with substance abuse issues.

Greater Seattle Intergroup of Alcholics Anonymous

http://www.seattleaa.org/ (206) 587-2838 Information clearinghouse on all AA groups in the Seattle area. Website lists all meetings and phone line is staffed 24-7. This portion of the site allows for filtering of meetings, including the ability to see gay/lesbian...


http://drugfucked.tht.org.uk/ A site for gay men about street drugs, alcohol and sex.


http://www.dancesafe.org/ Site promoting health and safety in the rave and nightclub community.

Crystal Meth Anonymous

http://crystalmeth.org/ http://crystalmeth.org/cma-meeting-directory/cma-meeting-directory.html Crystal Meth Anonymous is a 12 step fellowship for those in recovery from addiction to crystal meth. There are no dues or fees for membership. Membership in crystal meth...