
http://outsports.com/ A jam packed site for and by gay and lesbian sports fans and athletes. Includes news, pics and local sports links.

Orca Swim Team

http://www.orcaswimteam.org/ Dedicated to promoting the sport of swimming and to educating the public about the value of sports in community-building. An active association of gay/lesbian and gay/lesbian-friendly fitness and competitive swimmers with approximately 100...

Ethyl Forever Car Club

http://clubs.hemmings.com/frameset.cfm?club=ethylforevercarclub A GLBT club for auto enthusiasts that offers encouragement, technical advice, parts leads, driving enjoyment, and shared interests.

Bottom Dwellers

http://www.bottomdwellers.org/ A lesbian, gay, and straight allies scuba diving club.

Border Riders Motorcycle Club

http://borderriders.com/ The Border Riders Motorcycle Club provides social and educational opportunities for members and other gay men interested in recreational motorcycle touring.